Top 10 places to see in Kemer
Do you want on vacation not only to relax on the coast of the warm sea, but also to spend time informative? If the "lazy" pastime in the hotel you…

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25 places to visit in Thailand
Seasoned tourists admit that after a holiday in Thailand they are difficult to surprise with something. This country is a concentrate of impressions, which has absorbed everything that the traveler…

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Collection of hotels Grecotel in Crete
What do you know about this summer holiday, if you have never been to Crete? The advantages of an ideal resort can be listed for a long time, but there…

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tourist temptation and imbued

Mosaic of Central Macedonia

A “fasten seat belt” light came on above the seats, and a few minutes later the liner emerged from the impenetrable shroud. A land appeared, above which clouds hung in shreds of white cotton. Scattered upward, they looked more like smoke from campfires — as if in each flap of an unevenly cut blanket the open fires were simultaneously extinguished. The chassis, touching the ground, as if in syllables, squealed with brakes: “Sa-lo-ni-ki.” The reverse buzzed and the plane rolled smoothly along the strip towards the airport … Continue reading

Macromir of Epirus: Dodons and Acherons
Despite its relative geographical proximity to the neighboring regions, Epirus for a long time remained isolated from them. Once, strangers came to these beautiful and, at the same time, harsh…


Easter traditions: how to celebrate the holiday in different countries?
Easter on a par with Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays. And in each country where it is celebrated, there are traditions and customs for the preparation…
