8 most romantic cities
Where to go in February, if you had such an opportunity? We have compiled for you the top 8 most romantic cities. Paris, France Expectedly leading in this list is…

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Odyssey to the kingdom of gods
Despite the fact that for the twelfth time I am going on a journey through Greek land, I fly to Athens for the first time with a shaky hope of…

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Odyssey to the kingdom of gods
Despite the fact that for the twelfth time I am going on a journey through Greek land, I fly to Athens for the first time with a shaky hope of…

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where airships were

Samaria – gorge of the White Mountains

There is something strange in the islands, devoid of mountains. In the absence of a heavy stone outfit, they either try to hide their nakedness behind a lush green tropical outfit, or with the help of human hands hit the guests with architectural delights designed to replace natural beauty. But can anything compare to this natural power, the reliability of which you feel with your back, standing on the shore and looking at the horizon line separating the sky and the sea? Continue reading

Top 10 coolest water parks

Water parks are gaining more and more popularity around the world and are an excellent alternative to traditional amusement parks. And although the presence of the water park can not be called the main reason for choosing a particular place to relax, but this is an excellent argument in favor of many resorts, where water attractions are located nearby.

We offer a selection of the most famous amusement parks that tourists from all over the world dream of visiting. Continue reading

Kos Island: in the palms of Aphrodite
I walk along the quay of Kos, from the marina, where pretty yachts barely sway on the leash of the yacht, and under their sick sisters, stretched to the land…


With Zakynthos not empty-handed
Do you know what an unexpected thought most often visits tourists on the eve of their return to their homeland and usually darkens a well-spent vacation, even if it undoubtedly…
