Rest with children or from children
Can parents fully relax, taking restless children with them to rest? After all, they require constant attention: they need to be watched for, God forbid: they do not swim over…

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Travel in Istanbul
1. For a trip to Istanbul to be more comfortable and more budgetary, you need to take care of your accommodation in advance, as well as about air tickets, preferably…

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What fruits to buy in Sharm El Sheikh?
With human biological rhythms, we are already a little familiar from our articles and e-book. The human heart beats with a frequency ranging from 55 to 85 beats / min,…

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advantages and disadvantages

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Rhodes – the brilliant boundless sea

“I’m shameless creation — I’m sending a kind girl to where I myself wasn’t, and even with a child on the dreariest island of Greece,” I reproached myself, making a plan for excursions to Rhodes to my colleague, checking with guidebooks and a road map. Two weeks in her absence, I did not find a place for myself, and when we met again, I looked away from her face, covered with fresh tan, uncertainly asked: “Well, how was your vacation? Not very terrible? Continue reading

Daios Cove – five stars in the Cretan sky

The largest and most famous Greek island of Crete is also the southernmost European region. In general, the word “most” is often used when it comes to this fabulous island: the most distant from Greece, the most colorful, the most “changeable”, the most “Greek” – Crete carefully preserves the traditions of the past. Continue reading

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Macromir of Epirus: Dodons and Acherons
Despite its relative geographical proximity to the neighboring regions, Epirus for a long time remained isolated from them. Once, strangers came to these beautiful and, at the same time, harsh…


Famous Hungary?
When we spin the Rubik's Cube, open another bottle of Tokay wine or a can of "Globus", we hardly think about the tourist possibilities of Hungary, which gave us the…
