Travel in Istanbul
1. For a trip to Istanbul to be more comfortable and more budgetary, you need to take care of your accommodation in advance, as well as about air tickets, preferably…

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Kos Island: in the palms of Aphrodite
I walk along the quay of Kos, from the marina, where pretty yachts barely sway on the leash of the yacht, and under their sick sisters, stretched to the land…

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Lemnos: visiting Hephaestus
Greece has long been firmly established in our lives. Now this magical country with its bright sun, crystal clear sea, centuries-old history, cheerful and hospitable inhabitants has become habitual for…

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resembles our usual cake

Easter traditions: how to celebrate the holiday in different countries?

Easter on a par with Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays. And in each country where it is celebrated, there are traditions and customs for the preparation and conduct of a significant date. If you decide to go on a small trip for Easter, we will tell you where on holidays it will be the most interesting. In these countries, Easter week is fun, tasty and in a big way!

Italy Continue reading

Northern Aegean - Chios and Samos
If you think that only experienced Russian tourists prefer travel destinations where you cannot hear their native language, then you are mistaken. Many nations suffer from similar snobbery. After all,…


Travel in Istanbul
1. For a trip to Istanbul to be more comfortable and more budgetary, you need to take care of your accommodation in advance, as well as about air tickets, preferably…
