Collection of hotels Grecotel in Crete
What do you know about this summer holiday, if you have never been to Crete? The advantages of an ideal resort can be listed for a long time, but there…

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Austria ski resorts
Austria is proud of its main natural attraction - the Alps - no less than other European ski powers. These mountains have no equal in beauty, greatness and opportunities for…

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Macromir of Epirus: Dodons and Acherons
Despite its relative geographical proximity to the neighboring regions, Epirus for a long time remained isolated from them. Once, strangers came to these beautiful and, at the same time, harsh…

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numerous churches

Athens - Aegina
Ancient Athens is beautiful for cultural recreation - this is indisputable: one of the most ancient European cities is a huge museum of ancient architecture under the open sky. However,…


Overview of the best beaches in Egypt
Where are the best beaches in Egypt: in Africa or on the Sinai Peninsula? You can have a good rest at any Egyptian resort, depending on your preferences. Sandy bottom…
