Daios Cove - five stars in the Cretan sky
The largest and most famous Greek island of Crete is also the southernmost European region. In general, the word “most” is often used when it comes to this fabulous island:…

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Famous Hungary?
When we spin the Rubik's Cube, open another bottle of Tokay wine or a can of "Globus", we hardly think about the tourist possibilities of Hungary, which gave us the…

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What fruits to buy in Sharm El Sheikh?
With human biological rhythms, we are already a little familiar from our articles and e-book. The human heart beats with a frequency ranging from 55 to 85 beats / min,…

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beach itself is sandy

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7 reasons to spend a holiday in Halkidiki

Halkidiki, without exaggeration, can be called the pearl of northern Greece. This picturesque resort is considered one of the most beautiful and environmentally friendly in Europe. The evergreen peninsula, shaped like a trident of Poseidon, is washed by the crystal clear aquamarine waters of the Aegean Sea. The peninsula of Halkidiki is divided into three parts, popularly referred to as “fingers”: Cassandra, Sithonia and Athos. Each of the “fingers” is different from its neighbor and has its own characteristics. What is their uniqueness and why is it worth to go here? Let’s see! Continue reading

West of the sun

The west is usually where the sun sets. In Greece it is the Ionian Sea. That, in the guise of a white cow, Io fled – the mistress of Zeus and the priestess of his wife Hera from a giant gadfly, sent by a deceived wife. Sometimes you think about it, sitting in the evenings on the balcony, seeing off the crimson sun and driving off almost silent mosquitoes. Such thoughts reassure a little – size does matter. However, the comparison is not getting any easier. It becomes easier from the fine wine and the incomparable aroma of the Mediterranean. Continue reading

Golden Autumn Pilio

If you get riddled with the expression “velvet season” (you can frown again), and you do not share the excitement of the “budget” public from the post-seasonal price drop, perhaps the phrase “golden autumn in Greece” sounds less trite for you: first because you can’t find golden autumn in mass-mass Greece during the day – by the end of the season, summer burns down popular resorts to the color of the desert, and secondly, because the Mediterranean flora in the dying stage simply refuses to take on the appearance sung by poets, somehow suddenly nerom antique, dropping the sun-scorched foliage and finding themselves in impartial negligee. Continue reading

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Odyssey to the kingdom of gods
Despite the fact that for the twelfth time I am going on a journey through Greek land, I fly to Athens for the first time with a shaky hope of…


Kos Island: in the palms of Aphrodite
I walk along the quay of Kos, from the marina, where pretty yachts barely sway on the leash of the yacht, and under their sick sisters, stretched to the land…
