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Egypt or Turkey – where is better?

Egypt and Turkey are destinations that are enviably popular among Ukrainian tourists. And not without reason. Their resorts offer a wide range of hotels, quality service and the ability to combine a cultural and entertainment program with a beach holiday. Also in their favor, you can safely add the famous all inclusive and not too long flight. Let’s see which is better: Egypt or Turkey.

For a start, we note that in every corner of the world you can find interesting places that you should get acquainted with. With the same ease you can find flaws that can spoil your vacation. So, where to go: Turkey or Egypt?

Choosing a season
Egyptian summer is quite hot (air temperature rises above 40 ° C), the best time to rest in this country is spring and autumn. In winter, the average daytime temperature is around 20 ° C, so it is best to choose hotels in cozy bays, protected from the winds. Pay attention also to the fact that in the resort there was a heated pool. As for the summer heat, the climate in Egypt is dry: the heat is tolerated more easily than in Turkey. That is, a high degree is tolerated by the body approximately, as when resting in the Mediterranean.

In Turkey, the beach season lasts from May to the first half of October. In winter, in early spring and autumn, the water is cold, so you can not buy. If you like to swim, then in the choice “Where to rest: Turkey or Egypt?”, Rely on the latter. Here the sea is warm almost all year round.

Sightseeing and entertainment
Both countries have many interesting attractions for tourists. These include museums, objects of ancient architecture and not only. In Egypt, for example, fans of scuba diving will find their paradise.

In addition to exploring coral reefs and exploring the inhabitants of the Red and Mediterranean Seas, here you can go to Giza to look at the legendary pyramids and take a selfie near the statue of the Sphinx. Add to the list of entertainment jeep safari, riding a camel and getting acquainted with the life of the Bedouins in the desert.

In Turkey, vacationers waiting for cultural and entertainment program is not worse. Here you can go to the snow-white salt terraces of Pamukkale, look at the parade of colorful balloons in Cappadocia, or visit the flooded city of Kekova. Children will be delighted with the aquarium in Antalya, and fans of extreme rest from a paragliding flight from the Takhtala mountain peak.

In whatever direction you go, unforgettable leisure is guaranteed! In terms of entertainment in the question “What to choose: Turkey or Egypt?” The winner cannot be determined. Yes, perhaps not worth it.

Focus on coloring
If you have long dreamed of visiting an oriental fairy tale, getting acquainted with ancient traditions and enjoying the exoticism of an unfamiliar culture, do not hesitate to think about the question “much better: Turkey or Egypt” for a minute. Immediately buy a ticket to the country of the pyramids and the pharaohs, which will surprise you with its color. At the Turkish resorts, the atmosphere is also saturated with oriental notes, but this is not noticeable as much as in Egypt.

Travel budget
The cost of rest in both countries is not very different – the final amount you spend on a trip will depend on which hotel you choose to stay in and in which month the trip will be (seasonality has a significant effect on prices). If the question “Where is cheaper: Egypt or Turkey?” Is of great importance against other criteria, try to save. This can be done with the help of early booking campaign – such tours can be purchased 15-30% cheaper. True, it will take a ticket for six months before the trip, and even earlier.

As for diversity, in Turkey they know a lot about this, as well as in the preparation of delicious food. But in most Egyptian hotels at the buffet on a wide selection of dishes can not count – get ready for food without the excesses. We conclude: if you are a gourmet and like to eat tasty food, then in the choice “where is better: Turkey or Egypt?”, A clear victory is behind the Turks.

Seas and beaches
Families with children will appreciate the service in Turkish hotels, where excellent conditions are created for young guests. The sandy coastline is found in Alanya, Side, Belek and Lara. When choosing a resort in Egypt, where there are also beautiful sandy beaches, remember coral. If they are near the shore, then just go to the sea will not work. You will have to dive into the water from the pontoon or buy special slippers in the nearest shop. Remember this moment when choosing a hotel.

In Egypt, you can relax on the shores of the Red or Mediterranean Sea. The first boasts a perfectly clear water in which exotic fish live.

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