Travel insurance: what is important to know the traveler?
Planning a vacation is always full of pleasant cares: the choice of a resort and a hotel, the selection of a tour, the preparation for a trip. Making an insurance…

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Greece - a fairy tale realized
Ancient Athens with its world-famous Acropolis and the Temple of Olympian Zeus make an unforgettable impression even on a previously prepared traveler. Want to relax beautifully and with luxury? Athens…

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Odyssey to the kingdom of gods
Despite the fact that for the twelfth time I am going on a journey through Greek land, I fly to Athens for the first time with a shaky hope of…

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For example

Easter traditions: how to celebrate the holiday in different countries?

Easter on a par with Christmas is one of the most important Christian holidays. And in each country where it is celebrated, there are traditions and customs for the preparation and conduct of a significant date. If you decide to go on a small trip for Easter, we will tell you where on holidays it will be the most interesting. In these countries, Easter week is fun, tasty and in a big way!

Italy Continue reading

Egypt or Turkey – where is better?

Egypt and Turkey are destinations that are enviably popular among Ukrainian tourists. And not without reason. Their resorts offer a wide range of hotels, quality service and the ability to combine a cultural and entertainment program with a beach holiday. Also in their favor, you can safely add the famous all inclusive and not too long flight. Let’s see which is better: Egypt or Turkey.

For a start, we note that in every corner of the world you can find interesting places that you should get acquainted with. Continue reading

Rhodes - the brilliant boundless sea
“I’m shameless creation — I’m sending a kind girl to where I myself wasn’t, and even with a child on the dreariest island of Greece,” I reproached myself, making a…


With Zakynthos not empty-handed
Do you know what an unexpected thought most often visits tourists on the eve of their return to their homeland and usually darkens a well-spent vacation, even if it undoubtedly…
