Samaria - gorge of the White Mountains
There is something strange in the islands, devoid of mountains. In the absence of a heavy stone outfit, they either try to hide their nakedness behind a lush green tropical…

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8 most romantic cities
Where to go in February, if you had such an opportunity? We have compiled for you the top 8 most romantic cities. Paris, France Expectedly leading in this list is…

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Excursions and attractions in Austria
The nine federal states of Austria are combined into one whole, but differ greatly among themselves in natural landscapes, cultural structures and sights. Vienna is the capital of Austria, the…

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rest of the world

7 best cities for shopping

In spring, not only nature is renewed, but also man. I want something fresh and light after warm winter clothes. The sales season has already ended, but right now there are new collections of clothes, accessories, jewelry – is there no reason to replenish your wardrobe?

Get ready for a trip, we picked up the Top 7 cities for you, where you can combine a pleasant holiday with excellent shopping and return some of the money spent through Tax Free Shopping. Continue reading

Kos Island: in the palms of Aphrodite
I walk along the quay of Kos, from the marina, where pretty yachts barely sway on the leash of the yacht, and under their sick sisters, stretched to the land…


What to take with you to Turkey?
If you ever going on the road, you know how easy it is to forget at home some little thing and how much it may not be enough on a…
