Odyssey to the kingdom of gods
Despite the fact that for the twelfth time I am going on a journey through Greek land, I fly to Athens for the first time with a shaky hope of…

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Excursions and attractions in Austria
The nine federal states of Austria are combined into one whole, but differ greatly among themselves in natural landscapes, cultural structures and sights. Vienna is the capital of Austria, the…

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Top 7 best beach resorts for families with children
Traveling with children requires careful preparation. It is necessary to choose a resort with a mild climate, a hotel with a children's menu, a swimming pool, animators, and a quiet…

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The best destinations for budget holidays in the spring
Spring is the time to replenish not only the wardrobe, but also the baggage of positive emotions. Travel! After all, trips are already accompanied by favorable weather, as well as…


Greece - a fairy tale realized
Ancient Athens with its world-famous Acropolis and the Temple of Olympian Zeus make an unforgettable impression even on a previously prepared traveler. Want to relax beautifully and with luxury? Athens…
