Pets friendly: 8 hotels where you can relax with a pet
Most hotels do not accommodate pets. But this is not a reason to refuse to leave with your favorite! Of course, you can leave your four-legged friend close to the…

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Samaria - gorge of the White Mountains
There is something strange in the islands, devoid of mountains. In the absence of a heavy stone outfit, they either try to hide their nakedness behind a lush green tropical…

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Overview of the best beaches in Egypt
Where are the best beaches in Egypt: in Africa or on the Sinai Peninsula? You can have a good rest at any Egyptian resort, depending on your preferences. Sandy bottom…

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Athens - Aegina
Ancient Athens is beautiful for cultural recreation - this is indisputable: one of the most ancient European cities is a huge museum of ancient architecture under the open sky. However,…


Top 7 best beach resorts for families with children
Traveling with children requires careful preparation. It is necessary to choose a resort with a mild climate, a hotel with a children's menu, a swimming pool, animators, and a quiet…
