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Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh – where to rest better?

Egypt is one of the most popular tourist destinations. The country attracts with its clean and warm sea, the rich underwater world of the east coast and the world’s oldest architectural and cultural monuments. All this, together with affordable prices, good service and a minimum of visa requirements and makes the country ideal for holidays. If you have already started planning a trip to Egypt, you probably wondered where it is better: Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh? Tours to these resorts are the most popular among Ukrainian travelers. Both cities have their own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. We offer a detailed understanding of each of them, which will help determine the choice.

This criterion is the most important for most tourists, because it is the wide beaches of the clear Red Sea that make the rest so enjoyable. In both cities you will find everything for complete relaxation. Almost every hotel has its own, well-equipped, sandy beach. But it should be borne in mind that in Sharm it is more difficult to find a coast where corals and shells are completely absent. In addition, a pier or pontoon is most often installed on the beaches to enter the sea. Therefore, if you are traveling with children, it is better to choose Hurghada, where it is comfortable to swim without shoes. But for diving and snorkeling – go to Sharm el-Sheikh.

Another popular question for those planning a vacation in Egypt is where is warmer: Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh? Egypt is at the same time a windy and hot country, and although the climate is quite comfortable, it is still warmer in Sharm, especially in winter. Therefore, when planning a spring or autumn vacation, both cities will do. In summer, these resorts are very hot, the air temperature can be + 40-45 ° C. But in January-February every couple of degrees are important. In Hurghada this period is cooler and more windy.

Check not only the temperature of the air and water, but also the wind speed, sometimes it reaches 17-20 m / s, which can create discomfort during rest.

Underwater world
If you like active pastime, enjoy diving or snorkeling, or just planning to dive with scuba diving – Sharm el-Sheikh is the perfect place for this. It is known for the diversity of marine inhabitants and the most beautiful coral reefs located almost off the coast. There are diving schools for beginners in the city, so if you have never even submerged under water, all the conditions are here to try!

Entertainment and Attractions
Another point that distinguishes Sharm el-Sheikh from Hurghada is the proximity to the sights and the variety of offers from the tour desk. In Sharm el-Sheikh, tourists are most often offered to go to the mountain of Moses, and in reserves. There are many entertainment centers. And if you are interested in Cairo, Alexandria, the pyramids of Giza – it will be cheaper to get from Hurghada.

Cost of rest
At prices, the difference between Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh is noticeable in the season. More locals live in Hurghada, there are no pathos and gloss not many fashionable hotels, so prices are lower.

In Sharm will be more expensive:

hotel accommodation, and, accordingly, trips to the resort;
goods in supermarkets, souvenir shops.
However, if you go to a travel agency and voice your wishes, the managers will pick you a good ticket to any city in Egypt, given your financial capabilities.

Which resort to choose?
So which is better, Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh? It all depends on what purpose you are going to rest. If you plan to spend your vacation on the beach and by the pool within the hotel – both resorts will do. Families with young children should prefer Hurghada, and lovers of water entertainment – Sharm el-Sheikh. Also, carefully study the sights of Egypt and decide which tours you would like to go. Make a list of important criteria for you and consider them when searching for trips. Both resorts deserve attention and give bright emotions from the rest, it remains to choose the ideal for you!

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