Rhodes - the brilliant boundless sea
“I’m shameless creation — I’m sending a kind girl to where I myself wasn’t, and even with a child on the dreariest island of Greece,” I reproached myself, making a…

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Travel in Istanbul
1. For a trip to Istanbul to be more comfortable and more budgetary, you need to take care of your accommodation in advance, as well as about air tickets, preferably…

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8 most romantic cities
Where to go in February, if you had such an opportunity? We have compiled for you the top 8 most romantic cities. Paris, France Expectedly leading in this list is…

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main signs that you found

Excursions and attractions in Austria
The nine federal states of Austria are combined into one whole, but differ greatly among themselves in natural landscapes, cultural structures and sights. Vienna is the capital of Austria, the…


Lesbos Hot Springs
It would seem, what island of Greece do not take it, winemaking is flourishing everywhere. Even the extinguished Santorini is famous for its sweet wine. However, the island of Lesbos…
