Famous Hungary?
When we spin the Rubik's Cube, open another bottle of Tokay wine or a can of "Globus", we hardly think about the tourist possibilities of Hungary, which gave us the…

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Collection of hotels Grecotel in Crete
What do you know about this summer holiday, if you have never been to Crete? The advantages of an ideal resort can be listed for a long time, but there…

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8 most romantic cities
Where to go in February, if you had such an opportunity? We have compiled for you the top 8 most romantic cities. Paris, France Expectedly leading in this list is…

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humane price tag for accommodation

Northern Aegean – Chios and Samos

If you think that only experienced Russian tourists prefer travel destinations where you cannot hear their native language, then you are mistaken. Many nations suffer from similar snobbery. After all, at its core, the point here lies not in trying to escape from uncultured compatriots, but in the desire to find a new, unconventional for most vacationers direction, undeclared in social networks on the pages of friends (in all senses). Perhaps, the North Aegean Islands are perfectly suited for this purpose: from Russia, in the near future, not only a charter message, but even direct regular flights are not expected. Continue reading

8 best beaches
For everyone, the perfect beach vacation looks different - some like poorly populated beaches with beautiful landscapes, someone needs favorable conditions for water sports, and others have a large number…


Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh - where to rest better?
Egypt is one of the most popular tourist destinations. The country attracts with its clean and warm sea, the rich underwater world of the east coast and the world's oldest…
