Odyssey to the kingdom of gods
Despite the fact that for the twelfth time I am going on a journey through Greek land, I fly to Athens for the first time with a shaky hope of…

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Trend Budapest
One of the most beautiful cities in the world, the pearl of Europe is the alluring and intriguing Budapest, the capital of Hungary, a city that charms with its European…

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Travel insurance: what is important to know the traveler?
Planning a vacation is always full of pleasant cares: the choice of a resort and a hotel, the selection of a tour, the preparation for a trip. Making an insurance…

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surprising that the beaches

Lemnos: visiting Hephaestus

Greece has long been firmly established in our lives. Now this magical country with its bright sun, crystal clear sea, centuries-old history, cheerful and hospitable inhabitants has become habitual for many, and for some even a permanent resting place. It is all the more surprising to discover something new, not yet seen in what has become so close and familiar. Perhaps for you this discovery can be Lemnos – an island in the Aegean Sea, located near the peninsula of Chalkidiki. Continue reading

Rhodes - the brilliant boundless sea
“I’m shameless creation — I’m sending a kind girl to where I myself wasn’t, and even with a child on the dreariest island of Greece,” I reproached myself, making a…


Mosaic of Central Macedonia
A “fasten seat belt” light came on above the seats, and a few minutes later the liner emerged from the impenetrable shroud. A land appeared, above which clouds hung in…
