Travel in Istanbul
1. For a trip to Istanbul to be more comfortable and more budgetary, you need to take care of your accommodation in advance, as well as about air tickets, preferably…

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Athens - Aegina
Ancient Athens is beautiful for cultural recreation - this is indisputable: one of the most ancient European cities is a huge museum of ancient architecture under the open sky. However,…

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Travel insurance: what is important to know the traveler?
Planning a vacation is always full of pleasant cares: the choice of a resort and a hotel, the selection of a tour, the preparation for a trip. Making an insurance…

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peregrine falcon

Lemnos: visiting Hephaestus

Greece has long been firmly established in our lives. Now this magical country with its bright sun, crystal clear sea, centuries-old history, cheerful and hospitable inhabitants has become habitual for many, and for some even a permanent resting place. It is all the more surprising to discover something new, not yet seen in what has become so close and familiar. Perhaps for you this discovery can be Lemnos – an island in the Aegean Sea, located near the peninsula of Chalkidiki. Continue reading

Lesbos Hot Springs
It would seem, what island of Greece do not take it, winemaking is flourishing everywhere. Even the extinguished Santorini is famous for its sweet wine. However, the island of Lesbos…


In the footsteps of history: the sights of Egypt
It is a mistake to believe that all tourists go to Egypt to go diving, enjoy the warm Red Sea and relax in the hotel on the All inclusive system.…
