Macromir of Epirus: Dodons and Acherons
Despite its relative geographical proximity to the neighboring regions, Epirus for a long time remained isolated from them. Once, strangers came to these beautiful and, at the same time, harsh…

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Austria ski resorts
Austria is proud of its main natural attraction - the Alps - no less than other European ski powers. These mountains have no equal in beauty, greatness and opportunities for…

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7 best cities for shopping
In spring, not only nature is renewed, but also man. I want something fresh and light after warm winter clothes. The sales season has already ended, but right now there…

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can be treated by BRT

Egypt or Turkey – where is better?

Egypt and Turkey are destinations that are enviably popular among Ukrainian tourists. And not without reason. Their resorts offer a wide range of hotels, quality service and the ability to combine a cultural and entertainment program with a beach holiday. Also in their favor, you can safely add the famous all inclusive and not too long flight. Let’s see which is better: Egypt or Turkey.

For a start, we note that in every corner of the world you can find interesting places that you should get acquainted with. Continue reading

Where to walk in Sharm el-Sheikh?

Sharm el-Sheikh is a picturesque oasis that every traveler should visit. Moreover, there is something to see besides the sea. We tell you what places in the city should get acquainted in the first place.

Naama Bay
If you are looking for a place where you can take a walk in Sharm el-Sheikh on your own, pay attention to the bay of Naama Bay. This is the most famous part of the city, where entertainment is presented for every taste, and loud music does not subside until the very morning. Continue reading

What fruits to buy in Sharm El Sheikh?
With human biological rhythms, we are already a little familiar from our articles and e-book. The human heart beats with a frequency ranging from 55 to 85 beats / min,…


West of the sun
The west is usually where the sun sets. In Greece it is the Ionian Sea. That, in the guise of a white cow, Io fled - the mistress of Zeus…
