What fruits to buy in Sharm El Sheikh?
With human biological rhythms, we are already a little familiar from our articles and e-book. The human heart beats with a frequency ranging from 55 to 85 beats / min,…

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Northern Aegean - Chios and Samos
If you think that only experienced Russian tourists prefer travel destinations where you cannot hear their native language, then you are mistaken. Many nations suffer from similar snobbery. After all,…

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8 most romantic cities
Where to go in February, if you had such an opportunity? We have compiled for you the top 8 most romantic cities. Paris, France Expectedly leading in this list is…

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account major purchases

Greece - a fairy tale realized
Ancient Athens with its world-famous Acropolis and the Temple of Olympian Zeus make an unforgettable impression even on a previously prepared traveler. Want to relax beautifully and with luxury? Athens…


Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh - where to rest better?
Egypt is one of the most popular tourist destinations. The country attracts with its clean and warm sea, the rich underwater world of the east coast and the world's oldest…
