7 best cities for shopping
In spring, not only nature is renewed, but also man. I want something fresh and light after warm winter clothes. The sales season has already ended, but right now there…

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Famous Hungary?
When we spin the Rubik's Cube, open another bottle of Tokay wine or a can of "Globus", we hardly think about the tourist possibilities of Hungary, which gave us the…

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Travel in Istanbul
1. For a trip to Istanbul to be more comfortable and more budgetary, you need to take care of your accommodation in advance, as well as about air tickets, preferably…

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The best resorts in Turkey 2019: plan your vacation now
Turkey is one of the most visited countries in the world, especially popular among Ukrainian tourists. The Turkish resorts are offered rest for every taste: “lazy” beach, water sports, lots…


8 best beaches
For everyone, the perfect beach vacation looks different - some like poorly populated beaches with beautiful landscapes, someone needs favorable conditions for water sports, and others have a large number…
