Sunny Island Crete - the abode of gods and tranquility
Crete is an island where for 340 days a year the sun warms this fertile land, here it is easy to breathe from the abundance of eucalyptus trees and rich…

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Sunny Island Crete - the abode of gods and tranquility
Crete is an island where for 340 days a year the sun warms this fertile land, here it is easy to breathe from the abundance of eucalyptus trees and rich…

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Egypt or Turkey - where is better?
Egypt and Turkey are destinations that are enviably popular among Ukrainian tourists. And not without reason. Their resorts offer a wide range of hotels, quality service and the ability to…

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rightly considered one

Excursions and attractions in Austria
The nine federal states of Austria are combined into one whole, but differ greatly among themselves in natural landscapes, cultural structures and sights. Vienna is the capital of Austria, the…


Famous Hungary?
When we spin the Rubik's Cube, open another bottle of Tokay wine or a can of "Globus", we hardly think about the tourist possibilities of Hungary, which gave us the…
