Famous Hungary?
When we spin the Rubik's Cube, open another bottle of Tokay wine or a can of "Globus", we hardly think about the tourist possibilities of Hungary, which gave us the…

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What fruits to buy in Sharm El Sheikh?
With human biological rhythms, we are already a little familiar from our articles and e-book. The human heart beats with a frequency ranging from 55 to 85 beats / min,…

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Travel insurance: what is important to know the traveler?
Planning a vacation is always full of pleasant cares: the choice of a resort and a hotel, the selection of a tour, the preparation for a trip. Making an insurance…

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citizens fleeing the summer sun

Golden Autumn Pilio

If you get riddled with the expression “velvet season” (you can frown again), and you do not share the excitement of the “budget” public from the post-seasonal price drop, perhaps the phrase “golden autumn in Greece” sounds less trite for you: first because you can’t find golden autumn in mass-mass Greece during the day – by the end of the season, summer burns down popular resorts to the color of the desert, and secondly, because the Mediterranean flora in the dying stage simply refuses to take on the appearance sung by poets, somehow suddenly nerom antique, dropping the sun-scorched foliage and finding themselves in impartial negligee. Continue reading

The best destinations for budget holidays in the spring
Spring is the time to replenish not only the wardrobe, but also the baggage of positive emotions. Travel! After all, trips are already accompanied by favorable weather, as well as…


Athens - Aegina
Ancient Athens is beautiful for cultural recreation - this is indisputable: one of the most ancient European cities is a huge museum of ancient architecture under the open sky. However,…
